4:19-24 New Living Translation
19 “Sir,”
the woman said, “you must be a prophet. 20 So tell me, why is it that you
Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans
claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?” 21 Jesus
replied, “Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer
matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. 22 You
Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all
about him, for salvation comes through the Jews. 23 But the time is
coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in
spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that
way. 24 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit
and in truth.”
conversation at the well took place early in Jesus’ public ministry, foretelling
the change that was at hand. Later, at the very end of Jesus’ mortal mission,
Luke 23:44-46 tells us, “By this time it was about noon, and darkness fell
across the whole land until three o’clock. The light from the sun was gone. And
suddenly, the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn down the middle.
Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!” And with
those words he breathed his last.” For years, I read these accounts of Jesus’
death and was caught up in the dreadful suffering described. The significance
of the Temple curtain in this context used to elude me. In reality, it is one
of the most important consequences of his death. Before Jesus sacrificed
himself for you and me, those who worshipped the Lord had to have a priestly
go-between. The curtain represented the barrier separating man from The Lord.
Because of Jesus, that barrier was torn open and no longer prevents us from
humbly seeking a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Because of Jesus, the
Holy Spirit was sent to guide us as we walk through this world. Through Jesus
Christ, we are invited to worship God in spirit and in the truth God has
brought to us. Praise God!…something to pray about.
forget to look for the Lord today. Vicki H.
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