The Wednesday Word 9.28.2022
Amos 6:1–7 NLT “How terrible for you who sprawl on ivory beds and lounge on your couches, eating the meat of tender lambs from the flock and of choice calves fattened in the stall. 5 You sing trivial songs to the sound of the harp and fancy yourselves to be great musicians like David. 6 You drink wine by the bowlful and perfume yourselves with fragrant lotions. You care nothing about the ruin of your nation.” Sounds like this period in the history of Israel was characterized by a period of relative prosperity for many. If you read a little more of Amos, the people had gotten far from the basic tenets of the laws of Moses. Amos is reminding people that self-absorption is not the goal in life. God has let Amos know that he is no longer going to tolerate the exploitation his people for the benefit of some. I don’t like thinking about this. It makes me uncomfortable. I like my comfy chair and my delicious food. We have satellite music in our vehicles and devices. I just opened ...