The Wednesday Word 6.15.2022
121: 1-4 New Living Translation
song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem.
1 I
look up to the mountains— does my help come from there?
2 My
help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
3 He
will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.
4 Indeed,
he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.
1973, I played Mother Superior in our high school production of “Sound of
Music.” I have a vivid memory of me in a make-believe habit! That is the very
first thing that pops into my mind when I hear this passage because that was
one of my lines. It was from the King James version, “I will lift up mine eyes
to the hills—From whence cometh my help?” My character was counseling Maria,
who was trying to make sense of her feelings for the Baron and what she thought
was her path. The good Mother Superior was so right. When you don’t know which
way to turn, it will do no good at all to try to bury your head in the sand.
You have to look up. Way up. You have to ask God to show you the next best
thing to do. When you are looking down, dwelling on your problems, going over
and over the same ground, you cannot help but generate more and more anxiety,
digging a deeper and deeper hole. God has promised to guide us. Jesus has
promised to be with us always. All we have to do is turn to him and he will
walk us through whatever comes next…something to pray about.
forget to look for the Lord today. Vicki H.
photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto
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